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Copyright: © 2006-2023 "NoGa" CU

Created by - FantasyDesign
Design by - Maslennikov M 

Alex Melia


location: Moscow, Russia

e-mail: [email protected]

phone: +7 (985) 2229107


        Alex Melia was born in 1972 in Moscow.
        1994 – he graduated from the State Central Order of Lenin Institute of Physical Culture, specializing in a bullet trainer.
        2003 – he graduated from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation with a degree in financial management.
        2004 – he bought one of the first digital soap dishes to resample documents in historical archives. Because of this, he postponed the work on the book on the mobilization preparation of railway transport in the 1920s and 1930s. In the same year 2004 the book "Mobilization Preparation of the National Economy of the USSR" was published. Alex began to study photography, studied with Alexander Iosifovich Lapin, participated in the master classes of Sergei Maximishin.
        Since 2012 – member of the Noga Creative Union.

        Personal exhibitions:
        2007 – Brick factory, Prolab Gallery, Moscow, Russia.

        Group exhibitions:
        2009 – School of Lapin, CSI Winzavod, White Workshop, Moscow, Russia.

        2014 – The North of Turkey, Alpina Pablisher, ISBN 978-5-9614-4768-2, Moscow, Russia