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Raúl Cañibano has joined us


        Raúl Cañibano

        Please welcome our new NCU member.
        Raúl Cañibano Ercilla is an award-winning photographer whose work focuses on his native Cuba. He has lectured at the Image Center of Mexico, and his work is published by La Fábrica and is part of collections such as ICP in New York, the Throckmorton Gallery, Fototeca de Cuba, the Juan Mulder Foundation and Michel Horbach in Germany. Raúl is mentioned as one of the most important Cuban photographers of the last 50 years in various professional communities. As Raúl notes himself, he is not against joining forces with Magnum, but wishes to continue focusing on everyday life of his beloved home island more than travelling abroad on agency’s assignment.

        The first series "Tierra Guajira" presented by Noga Creative Union is a long-lasting anthropological project which captures almost two decades of rural life in Cuba. Raúl pays homage to Cuban peasants while reconnecting it with some cherished memories from the childhood of his own which he partly spent in the east of the island.Âåðíóòüñÿ